
Problems with potency in men

Sexual activity almost all his life is the dream of almost every man. To be able to have sex and give pleasure to his partner is an important component of a harmonious relationship in a couple. If the husband has problems with potency, it suffers and his wife, in the family there are conflicts that often entail problems in his career, communication with others. If you ask at what age men begin to have problems with potency, the answer will be disappointing. So it makes sense to have a preliminary look at this type of medication

When can problems with potency begin?

Impotence in recent years has become significantly younger. With erectile dysfunction can face very young men. And if in the 20 years it is often associated with hormonal instability, the age of 25, 30 years – the reasons are more serious. Once faced with an insufficient erection, a man may not pay attention to it. And this is true to some extent, because a temporary decline in “manhood” occurs in many people. But if it disappears more often, it is worth seeing a doctor.

What can cause impotence in men?

Among the factors that cause problems with potency in men of any age, there are quite common: 

  • Poor ecology; 
  • Unbalanced diet;
  • Frequent stress;
  • Inactive lifestyle;
  • Untreated chronic diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • Consumption of certain medications;
  • Alcohol and drug addiction;
  • Smoking;
  • Physical and mental exhaustion;
  • Obesity and lipid metabolism disorders.

How to determine possible impotence on your own?

It is possible to go to the doctor immediately in case of poor erection to find out the cause and prescribe an effective treatment. But it is also worthwhile to first determine on your own how serious it is. There are several basic signs of erectile dysfunction:

  • An erection is weak or does not come at all, even with sexual arousal.
  • During sex, the penis loses hardness and it is impossible to finish the act.
  • Ejaculation is premature, but the amount of semen is markedly reduced.
  • Orgasm is weak and not bright, and the partner does not have time to feel the desired pleasure.
  • Pain and discomfort are felt during sex.
  • Morning, night and spontaneous erection disappears, or its level is very low.

If you have at least a few of these symptoms, you need to think about it, because over time the situation only gets worse.

Problem Solution and Effective Treatment

After receiving a diagnosis of erectile dysfunction, many male representatives are afraid to start treatment with “chemical” drugs, so they use all kinds of folk remedies. Among the most common: ginseng root, ginger, nettle, pumpkin seeds. These herbs and roots have a positive effect on blood circulation, purify blood vessels, improve immunity and vitality, but it is certainly not possible to achieve a dramatic result in this way. The optimal solution is to take those medicines, which you can find at

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